Smile Design

Cosmetic Dentistry

At Svans Dentistry we believe you can have the gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted! To that end, we provide a variety of cosmetic dental procedures, including prepless veneers. We are  here to help you improve your smile using the latest technological innovations.

A Great Smile

Dr. Erik Svans and the rest of us at Svans Dentistry believe that, as someone once said, “you’re never fully dressed without a smile.” A great smile can open doors for you, including helping you move up in your career and enabling you to make friends and influence people.

Hiding Your Smile?

On the other hand, if you’ve been hiding your pearly whites, you know that you’re doing more than just hurting your chances to succeed socially. You’re also tamping down true joy and sending signals that you’re less than happy and confident.

We Can Help

If the way your teeth look bothers you and causes you real social anxiety, you’re a wonderful candidate for our smile design procedures. These procedures range from teeth whitening to prepless veneers to dental implants.

Prepless Veneers

We’re particularly excited about our prepless veneers, which most people find both comfortable and natural looking. Veneers can make your smile seem younger, brighter, and more vibrant. They can also take care of gaps in your smile. In addition, prepless veneers can be applied directly to your original teeth without causing damage. They are a wonderful option, and many seem them as less intense and invasive than some other dental procedures.

Our Approach

At Svans Dentistry, we want you to feel you have input into how we design your smile and we want you to feel comfortable asking questions and giving us feedback. Dr. Svans will meet with you and get a better idea of your goals for your smile, understand what your lifestyle is like, and then make a plan to get you on track to a better smile.