Good News for those with Gum Recession

If you’ve experienced gum recession, you’ll be gratified to know that there’s a new way to deal with the problem. In the past, the process for treating gum recession meant dentists had to cut tissue from the palate and then suture it to areas where the gums had receded. That kind of experience is no longer necessary, thanks to a new technology called the Pinhole Surgical Technique.

What is Pinhole Surgical Technique?

Through this innovation, Dr.Svans can treat your receding gums by using a small needle to make a pinhole in the tissue where you’re experiencing recession. Then, he’ll be able to loosen your gum tissue and expand it over the roots, increasing coverage of your tooth. This will create a new, healthier gum line, which also looks better. Finally, he’ll apply small strips of collagen material on the areas he’s treated, which will both help the gums heal and support them.

Dr. Svans’ Expertise

Dr. Svans has treated over 600 sites of gum recession since March of 2014. Because he has so much experience with the procedure, he’s been able to innovate on its original brilliance and add some special touches of his own. Further, follow-ups with patients show that as a result of Dr. Svans’ skill, their gums become very resistant to a recurrence of the recession. Dr. Svans can treat multiple areas of recession in one visit, which is another advantage of this treatment. And, because you will not endure cutting or stitching during the procedure, your recovery is easier, since there is usually a minimum of pain, swelling, or bleeding.

Benefits of Pinhole Surgical Technique

  • Less invasive than gum surgery
  • No uncomfortable sutures are necessary
  • Your smile looks healthier and is more attractive
  • Your gum recession is corrected without invasive surgery
  • No incisions
  • Faster recovery and easier healing
  • Multiple teeth can be treated at one appointment

Give us a call today for your complimentary consultation!